Monday, August 27, 2012

New Year, New Setup

I'm always fascinated to read about and see what other families do for their school environment. We had a schoolroom for a few years, until our boys decided they just could not share a room anymore, and for the sake of family harmony, we moved the younger son into his own room and gave up the classroom. Our dining room is now our classroom, although we do some work in different spaces in our home, like the sofa, living room floor, upstairs desk, on the bed with a lapdesk, in the car, waiting at the doctor's office, outside,...

Here is our dining room setup. Lots of maps on the walls for our geography study.

View from the kitchen. Cozy reading chair with a corner shelf is a favorite spot.

On top of the upright piano: bins for art supplies, music supplies, everyday office supplies (scissors, glue, date stamp, sticky notes, stapler), construction paper.

All of our books, notebooks, planners and manipulatives (that we are currently using) are on these four shelves. I have a lot in storage in various places in the house that we are not currently using. Library books have a designated shelf in the living room.
Baskets on the shelf hold all our smallish things like math manipulatives, geography passports and stickers. Containers are such an easy way to keep things neat, separated, and easy to grab.
Our daily schedule is posted on the wall for easy reference.

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